Sunday, December 1, 2013

Journaling Food...

Why write down or enter data regarding the food you eat and the activities you’re involved in throughout the day?  Food is just as important to our lives as exercising, or moving throughout the day.  The first time my clients log their food entries, they become amazed at the information before their eyes!  

We review their food intake of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.  These are known as macronutrients, and are a necessary part of what makes the body flow.  Included in our discussions is the amount of calories consumed.  The thing that shocks them the most is to realize the significant difference in calories from nutrient dense foods verses processed foods.  You would have to eat a massive amount of vegetables, meats, and grains or roots to come close to the amount of calories in say crackers, chips, bars, or even cereals.  Eating to provide the body with what it needs is necessary for the body to survive.  Timing is another important factor.  Breakfast is essential to “breaking the fast” from the night, or the time that we sleep.  Ultimately, skipping breakfast, or extending the amount of time between meals, has been linked to overeating, or eating more of what our bodies don’t need.  The longer the body goes without food the more it wants to reserve the energy, and stores it in “fat pockets”.  That eventually defeats the purpose of living a healthy lifestyle.

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