Moving is just as important as food is to our existence. I require my clients to log their food and
exercise activities throughout the day, so that I can see what we need to do to
help them reach their goals. Finding a reason for not having time to exercise is
an excuse. If you have time to sit at a
desk, you have time to practice breathing exercises, squats, and even ‘desk
push-ups’. Are there stairs in your
place of business? How far is the
parking lot from your office, or workplace?
What do you do during lunch? When
“I don’t have time” comes up in a conversation, I say “Sure you do! If you have five or ten minutes, you do have
time. It’s what you make of it.” A great way to make time for exercise is to
split it up throughout the day, instead of looking at time of nonstop
exercising as a one-time thirty or sixty minute session. What do you like to do that is active and challenging? Can you “fit it in” to your daily
lifestyle? Sure you can! Write down your exercises. Even if it is walking for ten minutes, it is
still an exercise. Can you beat the
level or time that you applied yourself since the last time you completed the workout?
Journal entries help you see the progress
you’re making with the amount of weight you’re lifting, or the distance you’ve
traveled. Eventually, you’ll find that it’s
all a matter of changing your behavior in the way you look at life and your
body. Don’t wait for Monday. Go out there and make it happen, now! I believe in you becoming a better YOU!
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