Sunday, December 1, 2013

Why is it not common place to find basic toys at a Walmart or Target...Electronics

My husband brought to my attention the lack of basic children’s toys in stores.  What ever happened to going to the toy section and finding animal figurines, such as tigers, bears, horses, and birds?  Many stores have shifted towards licensed characters and brand named toys.  Electronics seem to be the wave of toys to stay as a requirement for children.  Imagination is pushed to the tablet devices and through time, fewer children are left playing with actual toys, or even playing outside.  Why is that?  Has anyone noticed how this has left American children disconnected?  Look around the next time you go to a store or restaurant.  What are the children doing?  Are they well behaved, next to their parent or guardian?  Is the parent finding something to pacify their child with, like an electronic device, whether it be a tablet or their own mobile telephone? 

My husband and I have held on to no video games and gaming consoles for over ten years!  Encouraging imagination is important in childhood development.  Allowing our child to read freely and watch limited television was and still is a goal.  (The purchase of a Kindle was made a few years ago, for a reading device.  At the age of 7, our daughter read at a high school level.  When considering a road trip and books, the electronic book was necessary.  Otherwise, we would not have room in a small sedan.)  We have actually let go of whatever our focus may be at the present time to "be in the moment" of playing with our child.  Yes, I've taken the time to get the farm, forest, desert, and jungle animals out to simply enjoy playing with my family.  Going outside to teach her how to play basketball, ride a bike, and hike, among other things is just as imperative as academic learning.  My family enjoys it all.  What will become of our children’s toys with our technologically complicated world?  


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