Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wow! I handled the situation much different than I would have...over 10 years ago!

Can I understand?

Hmmm.  I’m sitting in my college cafeteria, eating and studying.  Two tables to the left of me 6 students laughing and judging others.  The table immediately to my left was a student playing on her cell phone.  The chatter from two tables over seemed to be too distracting for me to complete my studying along with my post-workout lunch.  I chose to plug-in to 8tracks,, and listen to a study playlist that I absolutely enjoy.  Yes, it is music to my ears, literally!  Classical and soundtrack music to drown out the chatter and distractions was all that I could do to stay focused on my homework.  It worked!  Well, that was before another student quickly enters “my” area with a boom box for a cell phone!  Yeah, remember the 1980’s boom boxes that would blast the streets, rooms, or where ever the batteries could survive?!  I was upset with the fact that I could not hear my music, due to his loud blaring and offensive music!  I remember the days I played my music loud, and disregarding those around me.  If given the opportunity to reverse time, I would not repeat that tacky behavior.  After briefly packing my belongings to head to class 20 minutes early, I walked over to the guy and gave him a bit of insight.  All of what came out of my mouth was with good taste.  Before explaining my frustration, I informed the stranger that I listen to all kinds of music.  I approached the topic by presenting my dissatisfaction with his choice of playing the music without considering those around him.  While I’m studying, he’s entering the area with music louder than all conversations combined in the cafeteria.  Go ahead and laugh.  My next comment was a kind suggestion to purchase earphones to enjoy his music without offending the people around him.  His response was that he had lost his on Monday.  I replied with empathy.  Then suggested the bookstore, where I believe I have seen a variety for sale.  It was time for me to go.  I filled my lungs with air and slowly released my breath to begin my path to class.  Whoosah!

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