Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Supplement and Rx Updates

   Walking into the doctor’s office for issues outside of being ill oddly seems relieving to some degree.  Unfortunately, expressing physical ailments due to an injury is not so comforting.  As the nurse opens the software to access my medical information, she communicates the need to confirm my current standings with all prescriptions and supplements previously entered into their database.  

   Now, allow me a moment to back track my thoughts here, and press rewind from this doctor’s appointment.  Briefly, I’ll discuss the reasons for taking these supplements.  They were what I thought to be, and many people taking them believe to be, natural and would provide the supposed nutrients I was lacking throughout my bikini competition preparation and everyday living needs.  After all, you attain the required nutrients in one, two, or even three quick pill-taking schedules, throughout the course of each day.  Well, let’s fast forward to this current semester of my college experience.  I have completed extensive research that was more than the required material necessary to successfully approach the subject of why supplements are not necessary.  I am fascinated with cause and effect.  The facts become an important factor into what I do with my life, as well as what I educate my clients and student with to help them better their knowledge on life and fitness.  As a result, I have removed all supplements from my daily intake.  

   So, let’s come back to the present moment.  The nurse begins reading the list of supplements that I had previously confessed to taking for health and fitness gains. Many people are unaware of the negative side effects of taking prescriptions and supplements.  Whether they’re mixing these or separating them between meals, the need to inform the medical staff of the prescribed or over-the-counter medications is vital.  She reads, “fish oil, flaxseed oil, choline and inositol, L-carnitine, vitamin B-12, etc.”  I respond, “Nope.  Go ahead and remove all supplements from the list.  I absolutely refuse to take any supplements.  My body can do fine without them.”  Yeah, I guess I could have come across as arrogant, but I’m holding firmly to my belief that I can attain the vitamins and minerals my body needs through consuming nutrient dense foods.  The nurse continues down the list, “One A Day® Women's”.  My response to that was, “You can delete that one, too.”  She paused and stated, “You need vitamins”.  I replied back, “There’s nothing I need from a bottle that natural whole foods can’t provide.  My body needs what the earth has to provide with less processing.”  This nurse has never met me, and seemed to be somewhat confused.  I can understand, as the average adult seems to believe that pills are the answer to what’s lacking in many areas of health.  Again, she returns to the monitor to review a few more listings.  She asks, “What about vitamin D?”  My reply, “I don’t need that, either.”  As she began with a rebuttal, I kindly interrupted her to state that “I spend plenty of time outside and focus on eating nutritious foods”.  Yes, I had to inform her that as a personal trainer and yoga instructor, I continue to conduct my own research to not only learn for myself or complete continuing education credits, but for my family, clients, and students as to the tools that will help me with my wellbeing, and theirs.  With a smile, she gladly removed all listed supplements from the list.  Shockingly, the screen shrunk from a full page to 4 prescriptions of what I consider minor, but necessary medicines.  That was a feeling of relief!

   Do you research supplements you plan to take, or are currently taking?   Are you aware of the pros and cons involved with taking those supplements?  How extensive was your research, and the research completed by those who published the findings?  Ask yourself why you can't get what you need from whole foods.  Could you make behavioral changes that will better impact your body and quality of life, and step away from taking supplements. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Setbacks and What You Do With Them

How important is your body to you?  When faced with a setback, do you spin around the question of why you are in “whatever” this issue may be, or do you find yourself determined to overcome “whatever” this hurdle is?  I’m just as human as the next person.  I’ve had my ups and my downs.  It’s how I choose to handle my situations.  Again, I find myself faced with a minor setback that will prevent me from running, just a little bit longer.  As I speak to my clients on listening to their bodies, I must take my own advice.  Imagine the feeling of being very active to limiting activity for several months.  While many people think it is the end to my career, I find no need to sit on the sulking mood and giving up.  Instead, I continue to move forward.  Determined and focused, I train clients, instruct boot camp and yoga classes, and workout.  This is imperative to my survival!  I know that in time, my body will find a way of healing itself.  During this process, I have and will continue to learn to be calm and cope with what is in front of me.  Along with practicing yoga, I carry on with strength training, and limit my level of cardio.  It is my body that will only allow me to endure so much body weight in motion.  I’m accepting of this, and will not allow this to be what “breaks or makes me”.  Each day is a new day.  Tomorrow, my body will not be the same as it was today. 

I must understand that every action I take will influence those around me.  Showing others that I can overcome adversity, and knowing that has made an impact on at least one individual will be very rewarding.  It is this opportunity that is in front of me and it allows me to understand I am here to help others in a way that inspires them to move forward. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Encouraging Positive Change Through the Suggestion of Mantras

As I develop a plan for each new or existing client, or class, I find myself thinking about a mantra to help clients change their behaviors and outlooks on not only their level of fitness, but their lifestyle.  

Create a mantra with a purpose.  Find yourself committed to this mantra, as your focus will continue to change your inner self.   Write this mantra on a piece of paper, a pebble, or any other material you will bring with you each day.  When finding yourself straying from your focus, rediscover this mantra to reconnect with your true intentions.  

Begin by learning to accept the challenges with ease, an open heart, and an outlook of bliss.  Joyfully take and face everything that has to emanate your way.  Realizing your life is the largest gift that reveals such a boundless potential for the healing of your body, mind and spirit.  Everything that transpires is led to you to help you become resilient and better.  So be thankful for all the lessons and encounters.  Come out of the dark days.  Wake up on the shiny and sunny side, aware, confident and determined to let go of the old ways of existing.  Start being in the moment and living a life full of energy and give that to others.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Back to School

I'll get back to the Bikini Comp Prep in the future. 

The decision to go back to school has left me with a new dilemma.  I've found myself dealing with time management on a new level!  During this semester, my Blogging will work towards earning credit towards my journal entries for English Comp II.  Here goes!

Wednesday, 18 September 2013 What are your language pet peeves? 
  I have several that come to mind.  One of them is "skinny". This term is completely misunderstood!  Many women, and unfortunately girls starting at the elementary age are told to be skinny so that they can be aesthetically accepted.  There is confusion in how "skinny" impacts health.  Skinny is “so ‘80s”!  Beauty is does not last forever, and is seen in many ways.  It is not always superficial; it shines from within.  A more challenging position is to educate children and adults on nutrition and living an active lifestyle, along with mind and body awareness, through behavioral changes.  Gaining an understanding of why skinny is not the "in" thing, can help with many unnecessary procedures and product purchases.  Look at it as the beauty of life lies within ourselves.  We will become ill, grow old, and die.  During our time on this earth, we could focus more on what we can do to improve our inner soul.  "Mind and Body Connection" is the new "skinny". 
  Oriental is another one of my pet peeves.  Although it has been a long time since being called oriental, I remember the way it made me feel.  I am of Asian descent; my mother is from Thailand.  Those born in the 1950's and earlier tend to call Asians "Oriental".  Times are changing, as well as language and communication.  "Oriental" is more of a style of rug, art, clothing, or even dishes.  Asian represents ethnicity.  Let's call "Oriental" people as an "outdated term" for Asians, today.  
  There are more language pet peeves, but my time is up.  ¡Chao!